Friday, December 27, 2013

Two years and some months...

Peyton Lea,

I feel like two years is a good point to stop the monthly updates, but I still want to do periodic ones to remember what you were like and how you were growing. You have changed so much since your 2nd birthday. It seems like you are in overdrive or something.

Here are some funny things you have said lately
"I want to tickle Santa" You said this over and over and over while we were out looking at Christmas lights with Kady and Stephen. It was hilarious.
You tell us "I hit Pawpaw" or "I hit Ty" if we ask you if you have been a good girl. The sad thing is both are true!
When I tickle you, you will say "no mama" melts my heart.
"I teetee in Kady's bag" and you did just that. You got a baby with a play potty for your birthday (thank you Aunt Ruth). You put the potty into Kady's bag, sat on it, and went potty. Thanks for that.

You can say ANYTHING you want. You speak rather clearly and we can understand most everything you say. You keep us entertained.

You pray for our meals "Jesus, thank you food. Amen" Sometimes it is "Jesus, thank you food, dada food (as you are stealing his food off his plate while our eyes are closed)"

You tell us all the time "I see Jesus". Today you told me "I want Jesus". I love that you love Jesus as best your little brain knows how at this point.

You learned our first verse! "God has sent a son to us!" I am so proud of you.

You sing Jesus Loves me all the time and today started singing Jingle Bells out of nowhere.

You LOVE to jump, so for Christmas you got a small indoor trampoline. I think it is much loved right after minnie and your blow dryer. You are constantly telling me "mama I wanna dry my hair".

You love to dance! You as me to turn on music and dance with you at least once a day. You like to color and read. You NEVER sit still. You are in one place for about 2 seconds and it is on to the next thing.

Your favorite shows are "Cat Hat" (Cat in the Hat knows a lot about that) and George (Curious Grorge). You also went on a Cinderella and Shrek kick. Over and over and over again. ugh. You tell us "I watch show"

I want to cherish this time. All of your teeth are finally in! You are getting so big. Just today we transitioned you to a toddler bed. Actually, I was a bit nervous about how this bedtime would go. We went through our normal routine, BUT when I put you down you said you needed to potty (oh yeah! you potty trained at about 2yrs 2 weeks. still a lot of accidents but you are in panties). So, you went potty and then you said "I do it". You marched into your room, climbed into the bed, and pulled up the covers. I came in the living room and cried to daddy. You don't need me anymore. I am very sad to see you growing so fast. I never expected that.

I am so very proud of you, Miss Peyton. You are so bright and inquisitive. You are hand full. That is for sure. You like to see and touch everything. You want to do it by yourself. You are so independent. You definitely challenge us. We are all learning together. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

I love you bunches,

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